Investment solutions to suit your needs

Everything we do starts with your needs in mind. 我们花时间了解您的整体投资目标和痛点,并定义有效的方法. We leverage our latest thinking and 洞察力s, 以及战略和管理研究,以帮助您做出更明智的决策. 获得建议和指导,以帮助您确定有效的方法将这些见解转化为可实现的和理想的结果-包括投资组合构建和资产配置. If you want our help with strategy execution, 我们可以成为您团队的延伸,并根据您的投资组合需求构建定制的敏捷实施解决方案.
  • Implementation and OCIO

    We can help you define, 通过处理治理等领域来开发和实施您的投资策略, 风险, sustainability and diversification. 我们灵活的服务,以满足您的需求,并帮助您实现您的投资目标.
  • Sustainable investments 

    我们帮助您建立一个可持续的投资战略,将环境保护与可持续发展相结合, social and governance (ESG) considerations; diversity, 公平和包容(DEI)因素,并寻求积极变化和有利回报之间的最佳组合.
  • Alternative investments

    利用我们与全球数百家资产管理公司的现有关系, 我们可以帮助您确定和寻找新的投资策略, 机会, 私人市场和对冲基金的创意和创新. 
  • Strategic research 

    Become a member of the 美世Insight® 社区,以获取来自世界各地数百名思想领袖的战略研究, including 美世 and third-party publishers. It’s complimentary and easy to join.
  • Asset manager research 

    By subscribing to 美世Insight®, an alliance with eVestment, you can gain access to data, 分析和我们对资产管理公司的前瞻性研究,以及公共和私人市场上数千种投资策略. 
  • Managing investment 风险

    我们的美世哨兵团队可以帮助您进行尽职调查,降低您的投资组合和战略中的运营风险. We assess asset managers, 托管人和其他服务提供者来帮助您实现治理目标.

Who we work with

我们与世界各地各种规模的专业投资者合作, to help them understand and manage investment 风险s, 识别和捕捉投资机会,并实施量身定制的战略,以帮助实现其总体目标.
  • Defined benefits (DB) pension plans

  • Defined contribution (DC) pension plans

  • Wealth managers

  • Not for profit organisations

  • 保险公司

Time, expertise and confidence

Lean on our experts to provide the advice, 洞察力, 实施和操作您的投资组合需要帮助您有信心地投资. 探索我们的一系列投资解决方案对您的投资组合意味着什么.

Access the latest investment research and 洞察力s

我们通过为您提供最新的战略投资和资产管理公司研究,使您能够做出更明智的投资决策, 以及我们对最新趋势和投资主题的看法和见解. Learn more about our world of investment 洞察力s below.

Join 美世Insight® 社区,访问美世和投资行业数百家第三方出版商的战略研究. 会员资格是免费的,注册只需几秒钟.

Subscribe to 美世Insight® 获取全面的全球资产管理公司和策略报道, forward-looking research, robust analytics, and screening across public and private markets.

Awards and industry recognition

    Professional pensions 2022

    • DB multi-asset manager of the year
    • Fiduciary manager of the year
    • Cashflow-driven investment (CDI) manager of the year
    • DB investment innovation of the year

    Leverage our breadth and depth


    US $16.2 trillion in global assets under advisement1


    US $492 billion in global assets under management2


    More than 11,900 investment strategies rated3


    More than 3,000 asset managers rated4

    * 1 June 30, 2023,  2 June 30, 2024,  3 March 31, 2024,  4 March 31, 2024

    Related 洞察力s on 美世Insight Community

